The healing power of poetry

I believe words are things – powerful and with the potential to transform – to lift someone up or break them down, or to break through ideas, beliefs and stories that are just unhelpful.
How to stay healthy working at home

Many of have had to adjust and compromise to a different way of working whilst juggling new challenges; like home-schooling, or sharing a working environment with a spouse, family member or housemate.
Create Your Home Practice Space

Here are our top tips on how to create your home practice space and achieve the same sense of peace, support and grounding as being at Whitespace.
Naked Online Yoga Classes

We hope we added some humour to your day! It’s our little way of creating some laughter to your day! | Whitespace Yoga & Wellbeing Studio

Our online classes and services are easily accessible in the usual way via our website or app, where we’ll be joining you at home through your phone, tablet or laptop.